Ōkaminoto Finale

Tempest Ōkaminoto Finale is a 5 pitch VCV voicebank for UTAU. He is recorded with a normal but slightly energetic tone. This voice library features a smooth and versatile masculine baritone vocal, with a logical range of F2 ~ F4

The configuration for this voicebank is by Wik, and is mostly complete. Everything except for the extras (vocal fry, glottal stops) is fully configured.

The art shown to the left is by Hez-kun


  • VCV format; [- か][a か][a R]
  • 5 pitches of recordings (G2, A#2, C3, D#3, G3)
  • Extra phonemes (la/li/lu/le/lo, va/vi/vu/ve/vo, vocal fry, glottal stop)
  • CVVC aliases, in addition to ending consonants [a k-]

Ōkaminoto ARPAVOX

Tempest Ōkaminoto ARPAVOX is a 4 pitch ARPASing (/ɑr.pə.sɪŋ/) voicebank for UTAU. He is recorded with a relaxed tone, with a power pitch, and a soft pitch. This voice library features a smooth and versatile masculine baritone vocal, with a logical range of F2 ~ F4

The configuration for this voicebank is incomplete. Bear this in mind when using the voicebank.

The art shown to the left is by FinestElite


  • ARPASing voicebank using ARPABET phonemes
  • 4 pitches of recordings (G2, B2, D#3, G3)
  • Falsetto at G4
  • Extra sounds (vocal frys, end breaths)

Ōkaminoto DeepVocal demo

Tempest Ōkaminoto's DeepVocal demo voicebank consists of a natural baritone masculine vocal, suitable for the Japanese language.

The art shown to the left is by Jade


  • Singular pitch
  • Demonstration voicebank